• Hey everyone,

    I am having a big issue with the footer on my website: http://germanlessons.com.au/about/

    As you can see the footer isn’t aligned with the bottom of the page, but is rather floating below the main page content. I have tried heaps of forums and different methods to get it aligned to the bottom of the page, but nothing seems to be working.

    I have tried using min-height: 100%, height:100%, vertical-align:baseline/bottom and clear:both throughout the CSS, but nothing seems to want to push the footer down. However if I apply a margin-bottom to the main page content that will push down the footer, but I can never get it aligned properly. Please help, any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

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  • George


    The code from http://www.cssstickyfooter.com/ works great, try that and see if it works 🙂

    Thread Starter sydneywebsites


    Hi George,

    I appreciate your help, I have tried that code already and it still doesn’t work. If you use firebug and apply that code it still remains the same.

    Is it possible a non-CSS element might be causing this, or anything else in my code like javascript? mmmm



    Hmmm…it’s hard to tell as I’m just viewing from the outside view via firebug. Since there’s essentially two footer divs, a wrapper and in an “inner”, have you tried targeting the sticky footer CSS to both elements?

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