• Plugin Contributor Alex Dunae


    Smush.it – the Yahoo! service – is currently down (http://www.smushit.com/ysmush.it/) so I’m not able to do much troubleshooting at the moment.

    Smush.it, in fact, is frequently down. It’s a forgotten corner at Yahoo!, understandably since it doesn’t generate any revenue.

    I’ve looked into running all the optimizations locally, but it’s just not feasible using GD (PHP’s image processing library). It could be possible with imagemagick, but that’s not always installed on shared hosting platforms.

    I’ve also toyed with creating a version for those that admin their own servers which would require pngcrush, libjpeg, etc… to be installed. It would be faster and more reliable but would be of no use to the majority of users.

    Assuming Smush.it comes back online in the next few days I’ll implement the bulk smush feature that’s be long-requested. I’d also be glad to have someone join in on the project, ideally someone with more time than I have. Please get in touch if you’re interested in helping to maintain the plugin.

    I appreciate all of your patience with this plugin and my limited availability…

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  • Hi alex,

    I downloaded and tested the new smush.it on my test server. I get this error

    “Operation timed out after 25001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received”

    I notice new stuff like bulk smushing, which is nice, but it would be much nicer just getting regular smushing to work first :{

    I tested the following things.

    1. clicking smush.it button in media library
    2. tried the bulk smush.it new feature

    both returned the Operation timed out after 25001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received” error.

    Any ideas what went wrong ?

    On a side note, funny you mentioned imagemagick. Another plugin author made one that had some interesting features which would be nice to have integrated into your smush.it plugin, namely the regenerate images for the many different thumbnails.

    But the thing about that plugin, the author told me it’s more about enhancing the image, rather than reducing file size like smush.it

    I still think it would be a good idea if you 2 could work together, maybe having the option to use smush (reduce file size), or imagemagick (for best image quality) ?


    Actually, i got curious and tested if smush.it works on my production site.

    When i upload an image using media library add new picture using the flash uploader. it uploads fine without the http error, and it smushes it as it also indicates in media library.

    Oddly, my test server, and production server are mirror images of one the other as i use the same mysql/files and settings (with seo disabled, and i changed the urls to be local lan ip for the server to do testing). Because it’s a test server, the port 80 is not forwarded for it, could that be why ?

    However what doesn’t still work is when i click smush it, on an existing image already in the media library, i get this error message.

    Smush.it error: Failed to create a temp dir while processing image url (image local server file path)

    The image was uploaded last time before smush.it was enabled. Could this be why ?

    Anyway, using the production server/site

    I tried to resmush, the new image i successfully smushed when i first uploaded it. But i still get that

    Smush.it error: Failed to create a temp dir while processing image url (image local server file path)

    So apparently, even new images already uploaded when smush.it was active, cannot re-smush as it has problems with temporary directory :/

    I tried to be brave, and attempted to use the bulk smush.it on my production site.

    All of them came out with failed to create temp dir errors.

    But still i’m hopefull you can fix this 😀

    it’s very close to being a perfect plugin.

    Plugin Contributor Alex Dunae


    I hate to say it but it seems that these are all issues with the actual Smush.it service. Looking through the Smush.it feedback on Yahoo!’s group I see this temp dir issue over and over, even when called via their YSlow tool.

    My best guess is that their server gets overloaded with a large volume of files and then uses up all its temp space. I know they have a cron job that periodically sweeps and cleans things out. That’s my only explanation for the intermittent nature of the failures.

    Re: imagemagick I’ll take a look at creating an option to use it when available.


    Could it be that the smush.it yahoo service has some sort of setting to for max amount of images that can be smushed in a set period of time, before it resets and lets you do it again ?

    I’m thinking maybe this is why this error happens.

    After smushing a dozen or more, i had to wait like maybe 10-20 minutes before i could re-attempt to smush again.

    I wonder if yahoo would be willing to make their smush code open source :/ hm…

    Anyways i am now using your plugin with Scissors Continued.


    Basically it’s an image cropping tool. Well the image uploads fine, and your smush.it reports there is image file size savings, so i reckon both plugins are playing nicely together 😡 maybe.

    Cauz the scissors although i am using it for only cropping, apparently it too also has some sort of image compression, but i did not see any option to deactivate that part, as i was worried it may conflict with smush.it

    Latest version of Genesis/Prose/WP on new install fails on all attempts to smush using macro tool (can’t create temp file/folder…)

    What happpened to individual photo smuching. I don’t see it under media.

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