• Resolved Fernando Spiluttini


    Hi, I’m using the Caldera Form. I have a problem, which I can not find a solution for my clients.
    It is a calculation of meters. In a form, the user enters the square meters of a house. I need to calculate, price per square meter (that’s right and I have no problems). But according to the meters, I will have to apply a tax, a percentage according to the meters, to more meters a percentage of minor amount.
    I can not find the way to do the calculation and I “break my head”, I have read all the documentation.
    Attached example table.

    I appreciate a help, I like the plugIn. We want to use it.

    m2 % Rep

    40 110%
    41 110%
    42 110%
    43 110%
    44 110%
    45 110%
    46 110%
    47 110%
    48 110%
    61 100%
    62 100%
    63 100%
    64 100%
    110 95%
    111 95%
    112 95%
    113 95%
    114 95%
    115 95%
    116 95%

    271 85%
    272 85%
    273 85%
    274 85%
    275 85%
    276 85%

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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