• Resolved davidjames888


    Hi I am using the Starter Template Plugin but I am not able to get access to the advanced settings when importing a template, which then allow you to download the starter template without content as I do not want the content, etc.

    Anyone able to assist?


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  • Plugin Support Herman Asrori (BSF)


    Hi @davidjames888,

    It can be done using the old version of Starter Templates plugin, however it is not possible for now only import the Astra Customizer Settings without importing the content.

    If you really want to import only the Astra Customizer Settings, the workaround would be import your preferred template to a staging site, or maybe import it on a temporary site you create on ZipWP. Once you import the template, you can then export the Astra Customizer Settings using Import / Export Customizer Settings plugin then import the setting on your actual site.

    I hope it will help.

    Kind regards,
    Herman 😊

    Thread Starter davidjames888


    Thanks for getting back to me, that is really helpful 👍

    Plugin Support Herman Asrori (BSF)


    No problem. Happy can be a help!

    Feel free to start a new thread if there’s anything else related to this plugin, we can help you with.

    Kind regards,
    Herman 😊

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