• Started working brilliantly but now getting a lot of SPAM. Pls advice 1) what you are doing about it and 2) what we can do in the interim before I get rid of it.

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  • Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    @coachgee2 we’re sorry to hear that you are getting spam through the form. As you already know, we have recently updated the plugin to include a “honey pot” for some initial spam prevention, however, this doesn’t seeem to be working for you. If you could provide a couple answers for us, this would help us determine what may be happening on your end.

    We are already aware you are on the latest version of the plugin, based on your response in another thread, so no need to ask you that.

    Have you just recently started seeing the spam, or has it been consistant for you?

    When did the spam start (if recently), was it before the update, or right after, or has it just started in the last day or so?

    On average, how many spam messages are you getting in daily?

    Are you using multiple forms and if so are you receiving spam from all of them? If not, which forms are you getting spam on?

    We appreciate your feedback and once we have some of these answers, we can start looking into your issue a bit more.

    Thank you again @coachgee2, we look forward to hearing back from you.

    Thread Starter cgee2


    Hi there

    SPAM started about 5th March 2017.

    I cant remember when I updated but it may have been late February.

    i get 1-2 daily from 5/3/17 to 17/3/17 (at times more). I think I have had 15 in total

    The sign up form is on the home page only.

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Thank you for the information, it is helpful.

    Stay tuned as we are actively working on some robust solutions around spam.

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