• Resolved vernox


    Hey! I want to make it so that when registering, the payment form is displayed only if 6 people have already signed up for the event. The idea is to be able to cancel the event in case of a small number of participants. Is it possible in your plugin?

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by vernox.
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  • Plugin Author roundupwp


    Hey vernox,

    This is an interesting idea! We have had similar requests to do something special based on the number of people attending an event. Currently we don’t have any features that work this way though I’m afraid.



    Plugin Author roundupwp


    This thread has been quiet for awhile so I’ll close it. Let me know if you need more help!

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  • The topic ‘Start getting payment since the 7th user’ is closed to new replies.