• Resolved ohliza


    We’ve been working on a new site design and other changes on a staging site for about 3 weeks. In this time, podcasts have been uploaded to the live site almost daily. When I publish the new site, I’d love to not have to re-upload those podcasts.

    Can anyone help me figure out how to preserve or back up just those newest ones and add them back to the new site after we publish it? Perhaps there is an export/import method?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter ohliza



    Plugin Author Serhiy Zakharchenko


    Hi @ohliza,

    Could you please explain why you need to do anything with the episodes? If it’s not a completely new website with the new database, and if you’re going to just push the code changes, the episodes will be untouched on the live site. And, of course, it’s a good idea to create a site backup before pushing the changes.

    Thread Starter ohliza


    I believe the staging site will overwrite the old site completely. I’ve made some changes to the structure too, removed some series, moved episodes into other series, etc.

    Maybe just easier to re-upload them?

    Plugin Author Serhiy Zakharchenko



    Usually it’s a bad idea to overwrite the live database, but if you know what you’re doing, you can use native WP export/import tool. It can be found in the Tools section.

    Thread Starter ohliza


    I’ll do that, thanks.
    This host uses this staging tool – https://wp-staging.com/ – if it matters.

    Plugin Author Serhiy Zakharchenko


    Okay, no worries, hope you know what you’re doing when overwriting the live database.

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