• Resolved mattvessell


    What does this mean and how do I correct the issue? Where do I RENEW this token?

    Square Payment Failed (Status code ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRED: The provided OAuth access token has expired. You must renew the access token via the Renew Access Token endpoint.)

    I disconnected the square account within the settings and then reconnected. Everything seems to be working now, but i need to know why this is happening.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi @mattvessell

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Square Payment Failed (Status code ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRED: The provided OAuth access token has expired. You must renew the access token via the Renew Access Token endpoint.)

    It sounds like the Square connection process is broken for some reason and reconnecting your Square account in WooCommerce would resolve this issue.

    Checking from Square’s Best Practices, an OAuth access token expires after 30 days. If your application does not get a new access token, it cannot make calls on behalf of the seller. This can happen if your application does not have a token refresh process, but it can also happen if the call to ObtainToken fails and your application does not detect the failure and does not retry. For more information about refreshing access tokens, see Refresh, Revoke, and Limit the Scope of OAuth Tokens.

    Hope this helps!

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