• Hi there,

    I installed Spectra for the FAQ Block, but when I set the block, in the frontend the tabs don’t open, nothing happen. I played with the idea to buy the pro version, but when the normal faq block don’t work properly, I’m not sure what else will not proper working

    How can I solve this issue? I Hope you have an idea.

    Best regards

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support mohsinbsf


    Hi @jackmac71,

    Thanks for getting in touch with us.

    It seems you are facing the issue due to the third-party plugin conflict. Can you please check by turning off all the third-party plugins one by one to find the culprit one?

    Please try and let me know how it goes.

    Have a nice day!

    Thread Starter jackmac71


    Hi moshinbsf,

    thanks for your fast response, you‘re right it was a third party plugin.

    After deactivating the Plugin Perfmatters, it works. But I need Perfmatters and this plugin works fine with the akkordeon block (same as the Spectra FAQ block) of the free version of Kadence Blocks.

    Do you (or the programmers of spectra) can figure out what this issue cause? I use the feature of perfmatters who clear used css and I preload the first images 3 images of the the page.

    Hope to hear from you.

    Best regards

    Thread Starter jackmac71


    Hi there,


    did you mention my reply?

    Plugin Support mohsinbsf


    Hi @jackmac71,

    I tried the Perfmatters plugin but it is working fine on my end, here is the reference video: https://d.pr/v/Jv40De

    It seems there must be a issue with the settings of the Pefmatters plugin on your end, can you please get in touch with the plugin author and find out the correct settings. Apart from this, please also check by turning off file generation from the Spectra dashboard ( https://wpspectra.com/docs/file-generation/ ) and clearing all the caches.

    Please check and let me know if you still need assistance with this issue.

    Have a nice day!

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