• Resolved icetechy


    Please how can I create a speaker category? I want to be able to create speaker category so I can group episodes under a speaker and display podcast page according to speakers as in speakers list.

    When this is done, if a speaker is clicked, you will see the list or playlist of the speakers episodes.

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  • Plugin Support Dave Clements


    Hi @icetechy,

    The easiest thing to do is create a category for each speaker and create a link within your navigation menu to the category/categories. That will take users to episode archives with the speaker they’ve chosen with the episode’s player right there with the post.

    Thread Starter icetechy


    oh k thanks I get it now. one more thing, I tried to put the podcast link below but it didn’t work.


    I want this podcast to be able to play on my website.

    Plugin Support Shawn


    Hi icetechy,

    That’s an Apple Podcasts link. There’s no way you can make it “play” on a website.

    Thread Starter icetechy


    thank you, so which kind of link do you I need to make it play on my website? I do not want to files housed on my server.

    Plugin Support Shawn


    Your media files have to be hosted somewhere online. That’s how podcasting works. If you don’t want them hosted on your server, where do you want them to be?

    Plugin Author Angelo Mandato


    Hello @icetechy,

    As noted, you cannot simply show other podcasts from Apple.com onto your website. The idea of PowerPress is to create your podcast from your website then distribute to Apple, effectively the opposite direction.

    Please contact our support and refer to this thread, there may be a different solution to achieve what you want. https://blubrry.com/contact/ or support@blubrry.com

    Thread Starter icetechy


    okay thank you very much for reaching out. I don’t want to host the podcast files on my server so as to avoid taking up server space which will slow down my website. I believe I can host in Blubrry server and use the link on my website?

    Plugin Support Shawn


    Hi icetechy,

    Blubrry does offer media hosting services. If you’d like to discuss those services, please contact Blubrry support directly using one of the methods Angelo suggested in his previous reply.

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