• Hi Josh,

    Thanks for creating the slider.

    I apologize for the repeat question. I want there to be minimal space above and below the slider.

    My skill in website design are not adequate to adapt the solutions already supplied by you in other posts. I tried using Firebug, and tried the below custom css:

    #wrap .meteor-slides {
    margin: 0 auto;

    My site is: yogabreaknyc.com

    My goal is to have a very thin slider that goes across the page, so I set the slide settings height to 300 and width to 536. I edited my media to be exactly the same size.

    As you can see on the site, the image is still too tall and there is lots of space.

    Can you help me:

    1) Ensure the slider has minimal space below and above it?
    2) Size the picture and the slide such that it looks good on all screens while still having a height of appx 200-300px?
    3) Explain how to do #2 for other pictures when I choose to add more

    THANKS! I am going live tomorrow, the homepage looks OK but not great, your prompt attention to this matter is appreciated 🙂



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