• I’m using the shortcode on a custom tab of Porto theme for Woocommerce.

    Unfortunally, there is lots of space above and below every video.

    The text in the editor is very simple: https://pasteboard.co/JBvqzKM.png

    I can solve this checking the option Responsive Output > Show full width and resize with the browser. But in that manner, videos become huge on the screen (1200px large).

    How can I solve that?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor David Artiss


    Unfortunately, something, and I suspect it’s not the theme, is going made by adding additional tags in the source code. For example, I can see paragraph tags added to HTML comments, which is very odd indeed.

    To this extent, there’s not much I can do here.

    You must have some settings or a plugin which is doing this kind of aggressive change. Normally, I’d suggest CSS, but I don’t even that will help here. What I can say is that this isn’t this plugin that’s causing this and any kind of video embed is likely to cause something similar.

    I can make it mildly better by reducing the HTML comments. Head to Settings -> YouTube Embed and untick (and save) the option named “Show debug output”.

    Thread Starter Marco Panichi


    Thank you for the kind and fast response!

    Using your suggestion, I investigated more and solved.

    The problem was caused by tags <br> inserted after every <meta itemprop> of the video, as you can see here: https://i.paste.pics/43778c6cfaf3b6920887098d965828a8.png

    I solved adding a simple .youtube-embed meta + br { display: none; } on my style.css.

    Thank you for the help!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Marco Panichi.
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