• Resolved voicetoons


    We sent 7 hours today trying to resolve this issue. We have done every thing from plugins tests, to cloud flare rocket loader tests, checked .htacccess, changed themes, ran updraft backups, to contacting our support and nothing has fixed this error that was NOT there midday today.

    We even installed Elementor, rolled back and re-updated plugin still can not edit home page. Yes all other pages work just home page. Even tried to manually add the_content fuction code in php.

    Please help us, this is pure craziness after all the work on this site. Theme is fine as was been since Monday when we installed it.

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  • Thread Starter voicetoons


    Any help here? Thank you.

    Hi @voicetoons

    I hope you are doing well day!
    I sincerely understand your concern and I know how frustrating this can be. To resolve this issue follow the steps below.
    1. Login to your WordPress dashboard
    2. Go to pages
    3. Click on Home page link
    4. At the left side of the menu, click on Default template in the template section
    5. Select either Elementor full Canvas or Elementor full width(Note that selecting full canvas will automatically disable your header and footer)
    6. Click on edit with Elementor

    By following these steps you should be able to resolve the issue. Should you have any question(s), please don’t hesitate to ask me.

    Kind regards,
    Olumide Akintunde.

    Plugin Support Denny Paul


    Hello @voicetoons,

    Thank you for contacting us.

    Please check this documentation: https://elementor.com/help/the-content-area-was-not-found-error/

    I hope this helps.

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