• Resolved urbanbiker


    Good. In several ecommerce does not allow to use this plugin, indicating a message at the end of the purchase: ” Something went wrong. Please try again or choose another payment source “.

    We have tried to disable the theme and all plugins, but still does not work and giving the message. The error in the HTML console is a 403. It does NOT allow the request to Paypal. We have disabled the server’s security systems and it is still the same. Also on the same server and the same hosting we have several ecommerce with the same configurations, but in some if it works and not in others.

    In http://www.ebikestock.nl it does not work and we can test it. We have spoken to Paypal technicians and followed the track of the packages and it is a malfunction of the plugin.

    Would you be so kind as to help us?

    Thank you very much.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Syde Niklas


    Hi @urbanbiker,

    We are here to help!
    Can you please share more details and maybe a screenshot of the 403 error?
    To better judge what could be causing this, we are interested in a copy of your WooCommerce system report and your latest PayPal Payments log files.

    You can share these details either here in the forums or privately with us from here:
    If you send us a private message, then please include a link to this thread.

    Kind regards,

    We are getting this error MEssage too. When scrolling through the Support Forum …seems it’s quite commen. Funny enough that the standard response is “Disable all othert Plugins”…

    Why you aren’t giving back any appropriate error messages in the First place “Something” can be anything.

    We also have “Sometimes” problem that the Payment mehtod cant be stored somehow…hope your 1.7.1 Release will fix all those things ….




    I also have the same issue with some payments. When I contact PayPal MTS support with payment ID and debug they say the payment request never arrived to PayPal.

    So I guess it’s an issue at the plugin level way before the payment go to PayPal.

    Good day,

    I also have a similar error. When I check out on the laptop with the browser Firefox with Paypal, then it works. But when I check out on the mobile Samsung Galaxy S9 with Payal, then I also get the above error.

    Can you help me please

    We’re experiencing same issue.
    All plugins deactivated, left only “Woocommerce” and “WooCommerce PayPal Payments”.

    When trying to pay with paypal, we’re getting this error:
    Something went wrong. Please try again or choose another payment source.

    Woocomerce logs showing no errors.

    How can we understand what is causing this error?

    Plugin Support Syde Niklas


    Hi @urbanbiker,

    We have not heard back from you in a while, so I’m marking this thread as resolved.
    We’ll be here to assist when you are ready to continue looking into this with us.
    If you have any further questions, please feel free to reopen this topic or create a new one.
    I must ask everyone else to please create a separate thread if any additional questions arise. Thanks!

    Kind regards,

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