• Resolved Taylor


    Recently any new products added to Square are not being added to WooCommerce. Square has always been set as the store of record, there is only one location, etc. Before, adding items to Square was fine… now, not so much. None of the products have variations in Square, only one image. Inventory is also not syncing properly.

    What am I missing?

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  • Plugin Support anastas10s (woo-hc)


    Hi there @semlohot 👋

    Thank you for reaching out about this.

    Just to clarify, when did you start noticing this?

    Given that version 4.2.2 (the latest) was released on October 11, did you already have a chance to try with rolling back to the previous one, and see if the issue persists, or otherwise? The WP Rollback plugin might come in handy, for that.

    We await your response to better assist you.

    Thread Starter Taylor


    Hi there! I did try the rollback plugin, and everything went haywire. I can try again – do I just roll back one version?

    Plugin Support anastas10s (woo-hc)


    Hi there @semlohot 👋

    I trust backups are kept before proceeding with any such change.

    Just to note, since version 4.3.0 of the plugin was just released (linked here), feel free to try with it next.

    Let us know how it goes. Thank you.

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