• Hello there,
    This is really awesome plugin I’ve ever seen but I have stuck about some HTML codes.
    Let’me explain what i did and what I want to achive it.

    I’m preparing a PDF for gravity form entries.
    And the form has conditional fields (when user select a option in “selectbox” then an information text appears on form (this information come from a page – when user choose X then information text come from page X, if user choose option Y the information text come from page Y etc..)
    I entered a unordered list into text area of page’s text editor. But i would like to make two columns of that list and I tried “div” but it did not work and then I tried “table” but this is also did not work.

    Could you please help me to making two columns of unordered list or any text?

    Second question is about conditional logic and Euro Sign.
    I have 2 price areas of gravity form one of them is “Original Price” and other is “Discounted Price”

    I would like to make conditional for “Discounted Price” (text and value both) but i did not achive it.

    User can choose operation numbers ( 1 Operation, 2 Operations, 3 Operations)
    I made “Discounted Price” value field conditions as:
    If second operation = Empty
    If third operation = Empty (Please see the attachment: https://prnt.sc/1glgsc8 )

    And I made also conditional “text field” as:
    If second operation != Empty
    If third operation != Empty (Please see the attachment: https://prnt.sc/1glh68x )

    The text “Your Special Price” text shows always and the “price value” hiding always, conditions does not work.

    Could you please help me with that also?

    By the way “the price value” has Euro sign but PDF can not convert that sign and it output like “& # 8 3 6 4 ; (without spaces)”

    Thank you

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by chemistrap.
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  • Plugin Author Oleksandr



    1. “div” will not work, however “table” must work correctly with “HTML” block: https://prnt.sc/1gms1pz, https://ibb.co/mShTQhS. In some cases it must be checked “Disable WYSIWYG Editor” if after saving it’s breaking the structure as block trying to “validate” HTML. “HTML” content also must be added via “Right Mouse Click” -> “Properties” -> “Value”.

    2. https://prnt.sc/1glgsc8 – It will “Hide” block if ANY of 2 shortcodes will be empty. To validate which output you are getting with shortcodes, just create “textarea” field with shortcodes that you are using under “if”. Keep in mind that empty values must be compared with nothing (not “space”). It can be mistake in shortcodes or it outputs not empty value by default.

    https://prnt.sc/1glh68x – is incorrect condition, as by default all blocks visible, so you need to hide block firstly by default which can be done just by adding simple condition if 1 = 1 then “hide”, and after this add “show” action. https://ibb.co/kM1s1Zr. You can also change order by changing the “Order” field on “Action” so “Hide” action must fire first. Keep in mind please that if you will need to show field/block ONLY when both conditions met, you must use “Apply If” – “All”.

    3. As about Euro sign. It can be solved by using “HTML” block – it must render it correctly, or you can use [e2pdf-format-output] shortcode wrapper to fix it as: [e2pdf-format-output filter="html_entity_decode"]{Number:4}[/e2pdf-format-output]

    We remain at your service.

    Thread Starter chemistrap


    Hi again Oleksandr,
    Thank you for giving information, I appreciated it.

    1- As I mentioned firstly this text come from automatically in “page”, so i am not inserting the text to value area by manually. And I tried with “disable WYSIWYG editor” but did not work unfortunately.

    2- I solved this issue different way, thank you for helping.

    3- This shortcode solves this problem, thank you.

    Plugin Author Oleksandr


    Can you please create “textarea” inside E2Pdf Template with shortcode which generates list which must be showed in 2 columns, copy and share result somewhere from PDF?

    Usually in such cases it must be possible to modify output with [e2pdf-format-output] shortcode, however to prepare it correctly we need to know the source. Thank you.

    We remain at your service.

    Thread Starter chemistrap


    I tried with “textarea” instead of HTML but no luck, unfortunately.
    This time directly output text with html tags (like <table><tr> tags)
    You can download latest PDF here: https://tmpfiles.org/dl/81385/awq.pdf

    I described via this screenshot: https://ibb.co/RHVnMWz

    Thank you

    Plugin Author Oleksandr


    Yes, it’s correct output of “textarea”… “textarea” outputs the source. We currently bit confused about 2 columns request. Does your shortcode generate 2 column table? or 1 column and you want to make it 2 column? We need to know the FULL source which is generated in “textarea” or let us know which field and which shortcode you are using under Gravity Forms please… so we can try to replicate it on our side.

    As about number you can try to use shortcode as:

    [e2pdf-format-number decimal="2" dec_point="."][e2pdf-format-output search="," replace=""]{number:4}[/e2pdf-format-output][/e2pdf-format-number]

    or use Gravity Forms filter to modify output:


    Thread Starter chemistrap


    I really sorry Oleksandr, I have mistake to making a table so it generate one row instead of two rows 🙂 This is solved.

    One more question 🙂
    How can I generate that PDF automatically when I submit form?

    Thank you so much for helping.

    Plugin Author Oleksandr


    You can use shortcodes inside Gravity Forms “Success Message”:

    [e2pdf-download id="1"] – to generate PDF download link.
    [e2pdf-view id="1"] – to generate PDF View directly inside message.
    [e2pdf-save id="1"] – to save PDF to server.

    You can use shortcodes inside Gravity Forms “Mail Body”.

    [e2pdf-download id="1"] – to generate PDF download link.
    [e2pdf-save id="1"] – to save PDF to server.
    [e2pdf-attachment id="1"] – to send PDF as attachment.

    * where 1 is the ID of E2Pdf Template connected to current Gravity Forms form.

    More information about shortcodes can be found on our docs page: https://e2pdf.com/support/docs#e2pdf-shortcodes

    We remain at your service.

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