• Resolved apollojam


    Hi Guys,

    A customer has paid via sofort which wasn’t disabled in time from the ‘funding sources’. We have no idea where this money has gone. Sofort know nothing about it, PayPal didn’t even know what Sofort was.

    Sofort are now saying it went to ‘PPRO Payment Services SA’ which appears to be – https://www.ppro.com.

    How can I track down what is going on with this Sofort button and what happens to the funds?


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  • Plugin Support Syde Niklas


    Hi @apollojam,

    You can read more about alternative payment methods here:

    Alternative payments transactions should be visible in your PayPal account just like any other PayPal transaction. All of these transactions are handled entirely by PayPal and all you could do via the plugin is disabling the funding source if you prefer to not provide it.
    There should be no need for you to get in contact with Sofort as PayPal is supposed to take care of everything for you. But for any questions regarding APM transactions, please reach out to the PayPal merchant support to clarify what happened.
    If your support agent didn’t know what Sofort was, then you probably did not reach the right department, as it is a product PayPal officially supports.

    Kind regards,

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