• Resolved Emily


    Hello. I love your plugin, thank you very much! Enjoy your calendar. 🙂

    Would it be possible to get a feature where the table could be referenced by slug or a name, instead of by the ID?

    I’m asking because I’ve got a multisite setup, and when I import the tables into one of the other sites, the ID number changes, and because I’m using it with WooCommerce, when I update the product and the changes replicate, it messes up the other sites because the ID number is not the same across sites. If the tables could be referenced by a slug, I could use that in the product description and when it updates, all of the sites would be OK because the tables would use the same slug across multiple sites.

    I hope this makes sense. Thank you very much!!

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  • Plugin Author TobiasBg



    thanks for your post, and sorry for the trouble.

    The only real possibility that I see here would be to manually edit the table ID. You can simply choose a new one on the table’s “Edit” screen.
    Also, the table ID does not have to be a number, it can also be text (in the form of a slug, i.e. letters and hyphens).


    Thread Starter Emily


    Aha! I didn’t even notice that I could edit that part. Thank you very much!

    p.s. I hope your wish list was up-to-date and that you can still use the baseball calendar. Enjoy!

    Happy holidays. 🙂


    Plugin Author TobiasBg


    Hi Emily,

    great to hear that this helps 🙂

    And yes, that calendar will get a nice place on the kitchen wall! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!

    Best wishes,

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