• Resolved Webbasica


    This query is taking way too long

    SELECT post_id, meta_value FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key = '_wp_attached_file' AND meta_value = '2018/11/cropped-avatar-600-2.png'

    Using Query Monitor I can see the culprit is SEOPress open graph module.

    BTW, seems like Yoast has the same issue:

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  • Plugin Author Benjamin Denis



    you can try to use this filter to stop SEOPress using attachment_url_to_postid:

    add_filter('seopress_stop_attachment_url_to_postid', '__return_true');

    Paste this line to your functions.php file of your child theme / theme or inside a must use plugin (mu-plugin).

    Thread Starter Webbasica


    Repercussions of doing this?

    Plugin Author Benjamin Denis


    Images added with shortcode in your post content will not be added to your xml sitemaps.

    This doesn’t mean, they will not be indexed by search engines.

    Thread Starter Webbasica


    I can live with that. Most of my posts use blocks anyway, so all good.

    Plugin Author Benjamin Denis


    OK, thank you for this update 😉

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