• In the latest version, the plugin shows the settings as sliders instead of the previous checkboxes, which in my opinion are more intuitive to understand. Since the point of the slider only changes position, it is not clear whether you have to move the slider to the left or right to activate it.
    Here a color marking would be helpful e.g. the point of the slider for active in another color to deposit.
    This can be implemented quite easily by assigning an additional CSS class to the element <span class="slider">.
    For active elements it becomes then e.g. <span class="slider active">.
    Then the following CSS snippet should do the trick:
    .slider.active::before{background-color:green !important}
    This would make the point of the slider appear in green for active routes, while it would remain white for deactivated routes, and the plugin would again be intuitive to use as before.
    Alternatively, you could do without the sliders and use the previous checkboxes.

    It took me a lot of unnecessary time to figure out that I don’t have to move the slider to the left as I would have assume but instead I have to move it to the right to activate the routes. Therefore, I would appreciate it very much if you could apply my suggestion asap so that the plugin will become intutive to use again.

    With collegial greetings from Germany

    b.o.o. Alexander Behling
    Head web developer
    mumbo jumbo media
    Osnabrück, Germany

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  • Thread Starter mumbomedia


    I investigate it further and found out, that there is already a blue background for active sliders. But due to the missing height setting for .slider the element has a height of 0 and therefore the background isn’t visible. Setting the height to 20px resolve the issue.

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