• Resolved jazzu



    I’m currently facing a problem with a slider I created. On PC displays and if I use inspect element, everything looks normal. However, if I check the website on my phone, the slider is all messed up, even though it looks fine with inspect element with exact screen dimensions. I tried to check the code, if I made a mistake with height or anything, but I didn’t find anything.

    Here you can see, what the slider looks like on PC.
    Here is the slider in inspect element.
    And HERE you can see, what it looks like on my phone.

    Kind regards

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter jazzu


    Update: I copied the original slider, pasted it above it, removed the original and updated the page. Then I went to history, went back to the point before I removed the original slider, removed the copy of it, updated the page. Now the slider looks like it should.

    Kind regards

    Plugin Contributor Tarek Aziz


    Hello @jazzu

    Thank you very much for the update 🙂

    We are happy to hear that you have managed to solve the problem.

    If you encounter any further issues in the future, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

    We’ll definitely assist you with this.

    Kind regards,

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