• Resolved Darren_S


    Hello! I’m attempting to configure ColorMag on a new site, and I don’t seem to be able to add the slider or otherwise change the home page elements (other than the sidebar). I used the demo importer (I see all the demo headlines). But instead of the various TG widget boxes I see a single news item where the slider should be, and two columns of news items below that. I can add and remove items in the sidebar, but nothing will change this display to the left of the sidebar.

    I installed the Classic Widgets plugin (without it the Widgets page was throwing errors on the TG “advertisement” widgets) and removed all active widgets. I’ve then added “TG: Featured Category Slider” to Front Page: Slider Area, “TG: Highlighted Posts” to Front Page: Area beside slider, and a few others … and nothing changes what the home page is displaying.

    I have disabled all plugins and don’t have any caching. I’ve disabled uBlock, checked in an incognito window, and cleared my browser’s cache — all without any changes to that home page display. Stranger still … when I navigate away from the Widgets page and then back to it, all the default TG widgets that I deleted are restored (so the deleted sidebar widgets appear again on the front-end site).

    Any ideas what could be preventing my TG widgets from showing up on the home page as intended?

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  • Thread Starter Darren_S


    Follow-up, in case it helps with diagnosing why my home page is not updating to reflect widgets: I’ve just installed ColorMag on a different site. Leaving the theme inactive but previewing it in the customizer, I see the exact same layout on the home page there — one big news item that spans two columns, and two columns of headlines below it.

    This is of course without changing any of the second site’s existing widgets or deploying any of ColorMag’s TC widgets.

    This leads me to believe that Site #1, where the theme is active and the widgets are in place, is just ignoring the widgets altogether. Why might a new site with ColorMag active reflect the same home page layout shown in the customizer on a site where the theme is inactive and lacks the properly placed widgets?

    Hi Darren_S,

    Thanks for reaching us,

    In order to better assist you, could you please provide us with the URL of your website? Once we have the URL, we’ll be able to investigate the problem and provide you with a more accurate solution.


    Thread Starter Darren_S


    Thanks, Barsha. The website is in maintenance mode for pre-launch development; is there another way I can give you troubleshooting access?

    Hi darren_s,

    Thanks for reaching us,

    Since the site is in maintenance mode andwe need to check the issue in detail, could you please contact us via the live chat support here: https://themegrill.com/

    Do mention this converstaion while doing so.


    Thread Starter Darren_S


    Just to follow up on this issue — As I don’t have a paid subscription I was going to follow up after my site was published, but in the meantime I’ve found the setting that was interfering with the widgets being used by the home page.

    Evidently my home page setting (show latest blog posts vs. show a static page) were set differently in WordPress’s settings and in the Customizer for ColorMag. I presumed these were the same (that the Customizer was simply overriding the WP setting.) After I created a page and synchronized the two to use it as the home page, the widgets suddenly showed up and could be further customized.

    Thank you again!

    Hi @darren_s,

    Glad to hear that issue has been fixed, and thanks for the update. Let me know of any other issues or confusion, and I will get back to you.


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