• Resolved emmanuelok



    The SiteNavigation Schema still displays on page code even when a table of content is disabled on a page. It should only be displaying on pages that have table of content enabled. When you validate a page without TOC enabled on validator.schema.org it shows the markup.

    How do I fix this? Do you have a filter I can use disable the markup on pages we disabled TOC on? Or can you update the plugin to behave accordingly?

    Thank you.

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  • Plugin Author Magazine3


    Hi, Thank you for reaching out to us. Could you please share any reference or screenshot of the issue you are facing, so we can check? Also, please share the URL on which you need a help.

    Thread Starter emmanuelok



    You can go to this specific url to see that it doesn’t have toc enabled https://www.crimedefenselawyer.com/about-us/. Then put that particular url on validator.schema.org and you will see that the sitenav schema is showing eventhough no toc is enabled for that page.

    Plugin Author Magazine3


    Hi, thank you for sharing this. We have checked on our end and yes its valid issue. We’ve raised a GitHub ticket in our repository regarding this concern, and it will be addressed in the upcoming update. We kindly request your patience in the meantime.

    Here is the ticket: https://github.com/ahmedkaludi/Easy-Table-of-Contents/issues/764

    Thread Starter emmanuelok



    Thank you. I looked forward to that update

    Thread Starter emmanuelok



    Thanks for the update. However, the issue persists on archive pages. On both the blog listing page (Posts Page), category, tag and other archive pages. It still shows the schema markup.

    The plugin shouldn’t be showing toc on any type of archive pages. Can you update this to not show up on archive and the schema not show up on those pages?

    Thank you for all your work.

    Plugin Author Magazine3


    Hi, We have just released the new update version Kindly update the plugin once with the new version, clear the cache once and retry. Please let us know if issue persist.

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