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  • Plugin Author Caseproof


    Hi @overismdtm

    It sounds like this might be related to some website or browser cache. Could you disable caching and see if that helps?


    Thread Starter overismdtm


    Thanks so much for the reply @caseproof. Unfortunately, disabling the cache did not seem to have any effect. I tried purging the cache as well and this didn’t affect it either. Let me know if you have any other ideas!

    Plugin Author Caseproof


    Our developer noticed that you included a link for the user to log in. Can you tell me how the user gets back to the original chapter page after logging in.
    If the user has to do something like hit the back button, the page will usually just restore itself to how it was before logging in – thus why refreshing it works. It may be a good idea for you to figure out how to automatically redirect the user back to the page after logging in (e.g. with a redirect URL parameter on the login page).

    Hopefully, that helps.

    Thread Starter overismdtm


    Let’s say the user is on the unlocked introduction page and they click chapter 3. It will take them to the lockout page and direct them to the login page. Logging in currently always redirects back to the introduction page.

    If they then click chapter 3 again, it will take them to the lockout page again and make them go through the login process again. If they click any other chapter, it will know they’re logged in and let them read it.

    Thanks for the suggestion on redirecting back to the page they clicked. I’m not sure how to set that up but I’m sure I could figure it out if I knew it would solve the problem.

    Plugin Author Caseproof


    That’s odd. It definitely sounds like a caching thing, but it’s hard to say for sure without troubleshooting directly on your site.

    That said, Members doesn’t really handle the login/redirect portion – this would be WordPress itself. Members only checks the current user’s privileges against the page’s settings. It sounds like this is correct, but only after reloading the page. A simple page refresh correcting things says that the validations are working properly, and that the first page load after log-in is cached.

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter overismdtm


    I’d be happy to grant you access to all the pages if you’re willing to check it out and see if you can get to the bottom of it. I would really appreciate it.

    It seems like a bit of a crossover issue between WordPress and Members, and I’m sure most WordPress forums would send me back here since it has to do with people not staying logged in through the Members plugin.

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