• Resolved weseeclearly


    Hey everyone,

    I had such a good experience last time on the support forums and I’m back with another issue that hopefully isn’t as bad as it seems right now.

    My website had a major, major crash because of some WP-optimizer plugin that basically corrupted my database. And then, I also messed up with the restore… and basically I don’t have a site anymore.

    I got three orders yesterday that were not part of any backup, and I don’t even know where they got paid out to because it was the first day I opened my store.

    So I have two questions: if stripe was my only plugin, and there are no payments processed there, is it because I didn’t confirm the orders in woo?

    Is there anything I can do to rescue the orders and figure out where payment went?

    In the meantime I’m going to try a few other ways to restore the site, but would really like to understand how payment works since these were my first sales on the site, and I’m totally confused now where to look for the payment. Luckily I have emails with the customers’ info, so at least I can reach out to them directly or still ship the orders, if the payment ended up somewhere else that I’m not thinking of.

    Just to reiterate, I didn’t confirm any of the orders in woo. They came in the night before the big crash (today).

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  • Thread Starter weseeclearly


    update: I’m pretty sure I know where the payments will land. However, with the site now totally defunct and no way to log into it or check my woocommerce order log, will the payments still be processed somewhere on the backend? I find it absolutely ridiculous that there’s no way to verify the orders now that I can’t really access the database due to a corruption. But as long as I know the payments will still be sent via woocommerce to my bank, then I can go ahead and ship the orders anyway…

    Plugin Support Shameem (woo-hc)


    Hi @weseeclearly,

    if stripe was my only plugin, and there are no payments processed there, is it because I didn’t confirm the orders in woo?

    If Stripe was your only payment gateway, then all the payments should have been processed there, regardless of whether you confirmed the orders in WooCommerce or not. The payment process is independent of order confirmation.

    However, if you can’t see any payments in your Stripe account, it’s possible that the payments didn’t go through successfully. This might be due to various reasons, such as the payment captured method in the Stripe setting, the customer’s card being declined, etc.

    However, with the site now totally defunct and no way to log into it or check my woocommerce order log, will the payments still be processed somewhere on the backend?

    Unfortunately, if your database has been corrupted and you can’t access your WooCommerce order log, there’s no direct way to rescue the orders. However, if the payments were successful, they should still be processed and reach your bank account. You can verify this by checking your Stripe account or contacting Stripe support.

    Additionally, we recommend using Jetpack backup. It will create regular backups, and you can quickly restore backup without losing your data.

    I hope this provides some clarity. Please let us know if you have any other questions!

    Thread Starter weseeclearly


    Thank you. Yes, this is very clear!

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