• Hello,

    I am trying to integrate my account with Ezoic and Adsense in vain. I have noticed the account has issues such as SSL. I also received the notification that “your site can’t be accessed by Jetpack.”

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello,

    Did you get a chance to check this link?

    See if this helps.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter granvile


    Hello, I have tried all diagnoses in vain. I have even disconnected Jetpack and reconnected again. The same problem persists.

    “Your site, CrysfoAnalysis, cannot be accessed
    Jetpack wasn’t able to connect to http://www.crysfoanalysis.com.
    Let’s figure out why — there are a few things to try.”

    “Disconnect Jetpack
    If you’re no longer using Jetpack and/or WordPress for your site, or you’ve taken your site down, it’s time to disconnect Jetpack.”

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