• Frank McClung


    I’m trying to figure out why items in the sidebar are only showing up on the homepage, but not on any of the posts or the individual pages.

    Here is the homepage:


    Here are pages where only a few items show up:
    Page 1

    Page 2

    I am not using widgets. Any insight would be appreciated

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  • projectego


    Hi fivemcclungs,

    Would you mind posting the contents of your sidebar.php file so I can take a look? There might be something in the code which is telling those items to only display on the homepage.

    Thread Starter Frank McClung


    Here it is. Unfortunately, one plugin seems to have just broken the layout of the site in Firefox, but IE still renders it correctly.

    [moderated code pasted at http://wordpress.pastebin.ca/592629 ]

    Thread Starter Frank McClung



    i’m having the same problem

    main page

    2nd page.

    it’s driving me crazy and i can’t figure it out. i know it’s something small. but any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Bumping is considered very bad manner.

    Paste your sidebar.php code to the address above.

    sorry about the bump. i didn’t know.

    the code is here.


    its for the page template page which i’m assuming is where the problem lies. although the single post php code is the exact same.

    thanks again!

    Do you have a file in your theme called single.php? In mine, I changed widecolumn to narrowcolumn (a few lines in) to address this same issue.

    verabass. thanks for the tip. but mine doesn’t have the widecolumn in the code. or narrow for that matter. although i’m familiar with what you’re talking about as i had to mod another site like that.

    any other takers?

    You must have a lot of Conditional_Tags in your sidebar – and those will make it to display different things depending on where you are.
    Remove them.

    thanks for your time moshu. i tried doing what you asked with the conditional tags. but it just killed the entire sidebar on every post.

    it gave me this where the sidebar div should have been

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘}’ in

    i copied my entire sidebar code here.


    i’m thinking something needs to be changed with one of the first lines of php

    <?php if(is_home()) {?>

    i’ve done a bunch of trial and error stuff by just changing out a “home” for other words. and nothing changes. i feel like i’m losing my mind because i’m sure it’s just one line and i can’t figure it out.

    you rock! that fixed it! thanks so much moshu!!

    do you have some way that i could “donate” for your time. paypal or anything?

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