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  • Plugin Support Maybellyne


    Hello @jazadi,

    Thanks for the screenshot but I can make out what you described due to the language barrier. In the homepage source, I found the following:

    <title>कैसे करें - टिप्स, ट्रिक्स और टुटोरिअल</title>

    <meta name="description" content="कैसे करें, हिन्दी टेक्नोलॉजी ब्लॉग है जहाँ आपको मोबाइल, सोशल मीडिया, कंप्यूटर, और इंटरनेट से जुड़े टिप्स, ट्रिक्स और ट्यूटोरिअल मिलेंगे।" />

    Is that the SEO title and meta description you have entered in the Yoast SEO plugin and expect to see in Google search results?

    Thread Starter jazadi



    Yes. we have entered that SEO title and meta description for homepage you can check here.

    Google is showing meta description perfectly but in SEO title they are showing tagline first, then site title. you can check here, or also you can search site name in google.

    We want to show site title first and then site tagline just like all other sites.

    How can we do that?

    Plugin Support Maybellyne


    Since I don’t understand your site language, I can’t make out the difference between what you want and what’s shown in search results. If the SEO title below is what you have entered in the Yoast SEO plugin, the issue is not with our plugin but Google.

    <title>कैसे करें - टिप्स, ट्रिक्स और टुटोरिअल</title>

    Google is the one who decides what your title and meta description say. While Google typically uses the title and meta description from the metadata for indexing, this is not always the case. The title and meta description you enter in our snippet preview are suggestions for Google. If you require further assistance, consider posting a question in the Google Search Central Help Community.

    Thread Starter jazadi


    Let me make this easy for you to understand.

    We have entered this title in Yoast for homepage: “कैसे करें – टिप्स, ट्रिक्स और टुटोरिअल”

    google is showing this title for homepage: “टिप्स, ट्रिक्स और टुटोरिअल: कैसे करें”

    Why is Google showing a different title? we haven’t entered this title anywhere else on the whole site.

    and more thing, if i set Person in Site representation in yoast setting. then google are showing correct title but i choosed Organization and using custom homepage, thats why google showing different title. how can i fix that?

    Plugin Support Mushrit Shabnam


    Hi @jazadi

    I understand your chosen SEO title is not being shown by Google and Google is showing the title it prefers because, as we mentioned in our previous response, Google is the one who decides what your title and meta description say. While Google typically uses the title and meta description from the metadata for indexing, this is not always the case.

    You mentioned, why Google is choosing the title that you didn’t add.

    Kindly know that, the title and meta description you enter in our snippet preview are suggestions for Google. If you require further assistance, consider posting a question in the Google Search Central Help Community.

    You can request indexing from Google Search Console. Crawling can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Be patient and monitor progress using either the Index Status report or the URL Inspection tool.

    Thread Starter jazadi



    When I set “Person” in “Site representation” in Yoast settings, Google shows the correct title for the homepage.

    However, when I set “Organization” in “Site representation” and use a custom homepage, Google shows a different title.

    Why is this happening for the custom homepage? Is there anything else I should look into?

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