• I’m very new to blogs and WordPress but have got it up and running. I have got some comments posted and they can be viewed by clicking on the link but is there a way to show the comments just below the article?

    I have seen it on other sites and reading this site it looks like I need to tweak the Presentation. I’m using Ocadia 1.2.

    How do I go about this? I have dabbled in Java and HTML so should be able to understand it. Just need a few pointers to get me going in right direction.

    Many thanks

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  • Comments are never shown on the main page (aka index.php) just in single post view – and then they are below the post.

    Replying to an old post, but moshu’s post is wildly inaccurate for you googlers out there.

    If using Ocadia and want comments on your front page, add this code under the /div that comes after all the comments_popup_link, edit_post_link, and trackback_rdf function calls:

    <?php $withcomments=TRUE; comments_template(); // Berto Get wp-comments.php template ?>

    and it must be before the endwhile.

    The file is wp-content/themes/ocadia/index.php

    Best wishes!

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