• Resolved chemdata


    I am trying to bring up a different slider each month without apparent success. I’ve tried different combinations of code. For example using code below it shows correctly for the month of July. However on August 1 the July or August slider does not show at all until August 2 when the August slider appears. Pls advise what I am doing incorrectly and provide me with correct code and thank you.

    [time-restrict-repeat type=”annually” onmonth=”July” ondate=”01″ offmonth=”August” offdate=”01″ offtime-“00:00:00″]<center>July Slider<center>[/time-restrict-repeat]
    [time-restrict-repeat type=”annually” onmonth=”August” ondate=”01″ ontime=”00:00:00″ offmonth=”September” offdate=”01″ offtime=”00:00:00″]<center>August Slider</center>[/time-restrict-repeat]

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  • Plugin Author Dave Clements


    Hi there,

    Try this instead:

    [time-restrict-repeat type="annually" onmonth="July" ondate="01" offmonth="July" offdate="31"]<center>July Slider</center>[/time-restrict-repeat]
    [time-restrict-repeat type="annually" onmonth="August" ondate="01" offmonth="August" offdate="31"]<center>August Slider</center>[/time-restrict-repeat]
    Thread Starter chemdata


    That didn’t work either. I had used that initially since it seemed to make the most sense but it did not work. Thanks.

    Thread Starter chemdata


    Dave I went back and reinstalled the plugin as I couldn’t believe the solutions would not work. Glad to report that all are working now and that once again the problem was at my end not yours. Thanks for the help.

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