• Resolved dratom


    First, thank you very much for this fantastic plugin!
    The shop has products (goodies) and donations. We need to issue a donation certificate for donations only. When the user puts a product in the cart, then a donation, the product is removed from the cart. That’s fine. But the user cann add a product to the cart after choosing a donation. Then the shop issues a donation certificate for the products and the donation combined. This is wrong.
    Is there a way to allow only certain categories (donations) to sum up in the certificate?
    The only solution we found is https://wordpress.org/support/topic/exclude-specific-product-categories-from-invoices/ . By setting $not_allowed_cats to all other categories, we can avoid the sending of a donation certificate for products. But this also means that no donation certificates are generated in case of combined carts.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author flinnn


    Hi dratom,

    thanks for reaching out. I’m currently working on improving the compatibility of running Donation Platform for WooCommerce in parallel with a normal e-commerce store. For now you could write your own custom template to share the thank you certificate to your needs.

    Best, Jonas

    Thread Starter dratom


    Hi Jonas
    Thank you very much, this is perfect! Where can we make a donation to support your work?
    Best, Drazen

    Thread Starter dratom


    Hi Jonas
    Sorry to bother you, but entire parts of your great documentation is not accessible anymore, like https://wcdp.jonh.eu/documentation/integrations/

    Plugin Author flinnn


    Hi Drazen,

    thanks for pointing that out, the missing documentation articles was a small WordPress hickup.
    If you like Donation Platform for WooCommerce and want to support the further growth and development of the donation plugin, please consider a 5-star rating on wordpress.org.


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