• Resolved webdesignsteyrer



    Maybe you can help me… I’m trying to display an elementor section only if the current date is between two dates. I created two ACF date fields, startdate and enddate. Is it even possible to set two dynamic date values for a “between” condition? If so, could you please help me out?

    Thank you very much!

    Kind Regards.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author rtowebsites



    this should be possible.
    Use current date as dynamic tag and between as condition and StringToTime as Compare Type.

    In the text-fields you can now enter the shortcode for your acf-fields, like:
    [acf field=”startdate”]
    [acf field=”enddate”]

    At last, you have to enable “Parse Shortcodes”.



    I need it too for a section. I tried this, but no luck.

    L. E.

    It was my mistake because I made a custom date picker in ACF and plugin not work with this custom date.

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by LRA21. Reason: Resolved. My mistake


    Hi rtowebsites,

    I am struggling to get this to work also. Can you share a screen shot for this set up please?

    @webdesignsteyrer did you manage to get this work?


    Plugin Author rtowebsites



    the problem here is, that the shortcode returns a date like “06/13/2020”, but the dynamictag returns an unix-timestamp.

    The trick is to change the return format of the acf field to “U”.
    Should look like this:

    Than you can setup the conditions like this:

    When you enable debug-mode it should look like this:

    Be careful for the quotes in the shortcodes.
    You have to use
    [acf field="startdate"]
    and not
    [acf field=”startdate”]



    AMAZING!! This works like a charm 🙂

    This is an incredible plugin by the way. Thanks you so much for developing it. It is really appreciated and will literally save me hundreds of hours.

    Thread Starter webdesignsteyrer


    Sorry for the late reply! Works like a charm! Thaaank you very much.

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