• jensbiel



    Is there anyhow I can show my members birthday at the frontend with Ultimate Member? I need to show todays birthdays and a few (1-3) past and future birthdays. I have searced the the whole internet for som kind of widget or other plugin, but until now I haven’t succeeded yet.

    Thanks a lot for any help at all…!

    Br. Jens

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Aswin Giri


    Hello @jensbiel

    If you are trying to display a user’s birthday with the “Birth Day” field, you try the following hook to modify the user result.

    add_filter( 'um_prepare_user_results_array', function( $user_ids, $query_args ){
        // your codes here
        return $user_ids;
    },30,2 );
    Thread Starter jensbiel


    Thank @aswingiri but what I need is somehow with a new formular add members birthday and then let is show on the frontpage of my site.

    E.g. Happy birthday to:

    xxxxx 51 years
    xxxxx 35 years

    Furture birthday:

    xxxxx 26 years
    xxxxx 31 years

    Past and future birthdays should show only 1-3 names and todays births all that have birthday on this present day.



    Thread Starter jensbiel


    Ahhh, thats nice. But if I add the code for todays birthdays all my member are show up at the front-end.

    What I’m I doing wrong?

    the webpage is https://www.sonderjydsk-fodbolddommer.dk



    Hi @jensbiel

    Did you copy the “todays birthdays” member directory ID? You need to replace the directory ID “320” in the code snippet to match the ID of your newly-created directory.

    Thread Starter jensbiel


    Yes I did…! And I also figured out the reason why. And many of the profiles are missing birth_date. So thats why the date (or age) doesn’t show up at the front-end. But soon this will be solved 🙂

    Anybody know How I can adjust the size on the front-end for these profiles?

    Plugin Support Ultimate Member Support


    Hi @jensbiel

    Could you please provide a screenshot of the section that you’re referring to? You can upload the screenshot via imgur.com and then share the image URL here so we can review it.

    Thread Starter jensbiel


    Size of profile within birthday section

    You can see it on the above link… Front-end of my website.

    Or you can see the screen shot here: https://imgur.com/a/I6PGxst

    Thread Starter jensbiel


    Alright now all my members have typed in their birthday. But on the front-end it doesn’t match members with birthday today. It shows only upcoming birthdays. What am I doing wrong?

    Thread Starter jensbiel



    I’ve created 2 new member directories. 1 called todays birthday and 1 called upcoming birthday (incl. age).

    Then I’ve added the 2 code snippets with the same name and changed the directory ID with the 2 I’ve just created in ultimate member.

    But none of the members at the front-end is correct displayed. I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.

    Thank you very much for your support.

    Thread Starter jensbiel


    @aswingiri @ultimatemembersupport

    It seems like the members om my front-end always is sorted by username, but I have follwed the description 100%. Could there be something wrong with the code snippet?

    Br. Jens

    Plugin Support Ultimate Member Support


    Hi @jensbiel

    Please see this video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0Wc2uyyAGc

    Thread Starter jensbiel


    I’ve seen the video tutorial and started all over again. Both member directories and I tried to change to WPcode (another code snippet). But the result is completely the same. It is like these code snippet is being ignored by something else. And I can’t figure out what and where.

    By the way your ultimate member dashboard is a bit different than mine I see. The checkbox “Show display name” is not on my dashboard.

    Thread Starter jensbiel


    Hi @ultimatemembersupport,

    I still haven’t figured it out yet what is wrong with my birthdays sorting. I tried following many video toturials but neither helps. And after updating Ultimate Member plugin some of my current statistics also went wrong (before they were okay). I desperatly need some help/advice

    BR. Jens

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