• pneumatica


    I have attempted to show only posts from the lastest day. I assume this functions in such a way that it will show any number of posts but only within a certain day. I have three posts up; two from July 6th and one from July 8th. I assumed with the options/reading set to show at most “1 days” it would only show posts within the day of my least post. Since there is only one post from the 8th it should only show that post (if I’m understanding its function correctly) however it is showing all posts thus far.


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  • oriecat


    Does it work with another theme?

    Thread Starter pneumatica


    I am currently using the benevolence theme. I haven’t tried another theme however. I’ll try that now.

    Edit: No, it doesn’t appear to be working under WordPress classic either.



    What version are you using? I just tried on mine, and it worked ok.

    Thread Starter pneumatica





    I haven’t upgraded to 3 yet, so maybe it’s a problem with that and no one else had reported it yet?

    Thread Starter pneumatica


    I’m not entirely certain, I will keep looking and if anyone else is using it would be appreciated if you tried to set your posts to “1 days” to see if it works correctly.

    Thread Starter pneumatica


    Bump—- issue looked at but still not resolved. Is this a problem with the newest release? Is anyone else having this problem?

    Joshua Sigar


    No problem on my as far as I can tell



    Is it possible you’re running a “posts per page” plugin?

    Thread Starter pneumatica


    The only plugin i have activated is “Adhesive”, It’s for creating stickys. I’m gonna run a few more tests to see if I can figure out whats up with it.

    Thread Starter pneumatica


    Okay, after reviewing the problem some more I decided (on advice from kafkaequi) to try disabling the adhesive plugin. It worked. It seems that there is something in the plugin that interferes with the “post per day” function.

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