• Resolved dkou



    Just installed on a new site (WP 6.0.2 PHP 8.1.2) version 3.0.1. of the plugin.

    Using the provided classes to revisit cookie consent and to audit cookies on pages work when I connect to the web app but i would rather, at this point, use the local configuration.

    Apparently the old shortcodes [user_consent_state], [cookie_audit style=”winter”] and [delete_cookies] don’t work. I’ve also tried [cky outside audit table] which also doesn’t work. The shortcodes just don’t render and display as text.

    Is it possible to use shortcodes to audit cookies and revisit consent without connecting to the web app ?

    Thank you very much,

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  • Thread Starter dkou



    [cky_outside_audit_table] works just fine on the local version. I forgot the underscore. My bad.

    I just need a way to revisit consent with a button on a link.

    Possible ?

    Plugin Author WebToffee


    Hi @dkou

    We are excited to help you!

    On our updated plugin, we have modified the shortcode implementation. This is because the plugin will now display buttons and cookie information on the banner without requiring the shortcodes to be entered. We do, however, preserve the new shortcode you described above for displaying the cookie audit table on any page.

    Since there is a difference in the code of the web app. The cookie audit table shortcode needs to be replaced with a code when you connect with the web app.

    Please follow this documentation to add a cookie audit table when you are linked to the web app for cookie scanning and other advanced capabilities.

    You can enable the revisit consent button from the plugin, which will show up as an icon. However, if you want to integrate a cookie preference button or link in any page, please connect with web app. Without connecting with web app this functionality will not work as of now.

    CookieYes enables you to give the HTML element the class cky-banner-element so that users can modify their cookie consent. As a result, the banner would reappear once you clicked on the element.

    If you want to integrate a cookie setting button on any page after connecting with the web app, please refer to the instructions here.

    i followed the instructions and I added
    <a href="#">Change Cookie Preferences</a>
    at the my site’s footer, but clicking nothing is triggered.
    Where is the problem?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by sergio79.
    Thread Starter dkou


    You forgot the class.

    Sorry, it was a mistake paste the code here, I put in my footer:

    <a href="#" class="cky-banner-element">Change Cookie Preferences</a>

    But doesnt’t work 🙁

    Plugin Support CookieYes Team


    Hi @sergio79,

    In version 3.0, in order to integrate the cookie settings into the footer, you must connect with the CookieYes web app. We have released a new update V 3.0.2, in which you can implement the HTML code in the footer without connecting the plugin with Web app. So please try after updating the plugin.

    Perfect! Works! Thanks very much!

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