• Resolved ijike


    I am trying to include a shortcode in a form, specifically the HTML field. Please how can this be achieved?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • If I understand well, you want to add a shortcode into html? In that case you can achive it by doing something like this

    <div class="jirei-post-list">
            [pt_view id="bb8f40f3lv"]
    Thread Starter ijike


    Hello, aaroncabanas,
    Thanks for responding. It doesn’t actually work.

    Plugin Support Zhanna Khachatryan


    Hi @ijike,

    Dear friend, our latest version accepts shortcodes in the HTML field, please make sure that you have the latest 2.13.51 version, then insert a working shortcode.

    If that won’t work, then please send me the page link where the form is inserted, the above link is a preview link that I cannot check without admin access.

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