• Hi,

    On my website, I have multiple ways for people to get to the same pages. For example, on the home page, you can find the categories of clothing that I sell and go to each category from there. I also have in the main menu each category listed there or a general shop page that WooCommerce already had set up. On the WooCommerce pages (assuming I go through their shop page to get to each clothing category), I can see at the top of the pages options for how I want to view items (by popularity, alphabetized, etc.) and how many items I want to view at once (12, 24, etc.). However, these options are not on my other pages I created myself for each category. How can I add these options to the pages I created?

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  • Plugin Support RK a11n


    > However, these options are not on my other pages I created myself for each category.

    How did you create those pages? Are they generated using WooCommerce archive view or did you manually populate them with shortcodes?

    > how many items I want to view at once (12, 24, etc.)

    Note that WooCommerce doesn’t have that functionality out of the box (it only comes packaged with the ability to change the sort order). That means the numbers-per-page is probably powered by your theme, or a 3rd party plugin.

    Thread Starter carriestarkey


    For my pages, I literally just clicked add page and then added content onto the pages I created. Specifically for my shopping pages, I added code similar to the following: [product_category category=”tops”], so each page would show a specific category of clothing.

    How would the numbers-per-page be powered by the theme when the only shopping page that shows the option to view more items is the WooCommerce Shop Page? I did find a place in the theme settings to change how many items are viewable, but I tried that and it did nothing but change the amounts (of items viewable) for the numbers-per-page option on the WooCommerce Shop Page. Is it not possible to input some code to show this option on my other pages? I need to show more than just 12 items or else customers will never be able to see all of my inventory.

    Thread Starter carriestarkey


    For my pages, I literally just clicked add page and then added content onto the pages I created. Specifically for my shopping pages, I added code similar to the following: [product_category category=”tops”], so each page would show a specific category of clothing.

    How would the numbers-per-page be powered by the theme when the only shopping page that shows the option to view more items is the WooCommerce Shop Page? I did find a place in the theme settings to change how many items are viewable, but I tried that and it did nothing but change the amounts (of items viewable) for the numbers-per-page option on the WooCommerce Shop Page. Is it not possible to input some code to show this option on my other pages? I need to show more than just 12 items or else customers will never be able to see all of my inventory.

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