• Resolved ohliza


    We have, I thought, very simple shipping needs.

    Basically one product only. At least, same shipping cost for all.

    Only one zone (US). We do not ship anywhere else.

    We offer 3 shipping methods (Ground, 2 Day and Overnight)

    I have the set costs for each method. 1 item overnight is $68.95 and 2 items overnight is $172.30, 3 or more is $275. Same for 2 day and ground, just different amounts, obviously.

    I created a zone.

    I created a shipping type for each option – Ground, 2 Day, Overnight. (A class, maybe that is not what I should have done? Like why can I only apply one class to each product? Every product can be shipped with any of the 3 methods)

    But all Woo seems to be able to do is multiply the single quantity or present the same price regardless of quantity.

    Help? I thought this would be pretty easy given that I’m working with very few rates.

    Can I not do a flat amount for each of 3 methods for one item, a set price for each of 3 methods for two items, etc?

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  • Plugin Support Shameem (woo-hc)


    Hi @ohliza

    Based on your requirements, it looks like you’ll need to use the WooCommerce Table Rate shipping plugin. This plugin will allow you to set different shipping rates based on the number of items in the cart and the shipping method chosen.

    Here are the steps to set this up:

    1. Install and activate the WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping Plugin.
    2. Go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Shipping -> Shipping Zones, and click on the US zone that you’ve created.
    3. Click on “Add shipping method” and select “Table Rate”.
    4. Click on “Table Rate” in the shipping methods for the US zone.
    5. Now, you can add the rates for each shipping method and the number of items. For example, for 1 item overnight, you can set the cost to $68.95, and for 2 items overnight, you can set it to $172.30, and so on.

    Please note that all extensions sold on Woo.com have a 30-day refund policy. If the product doesn’t work the way you need it or you think another product would work better, we are more than happy to provide a full refund.

    This should solve your problem. If you have any other questions or need further clarification, don’t hesitate to ask.

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