• Resolved momo-fr


    Several sites no longer synchronize since the last update.
    I have 97 sites in my dashboard and since the last version 15 no longer synchronize, reconnecting by hand is ineffective on 1 site out of 2.
    I have to redo the activation to be able to reconnect the sites and then the synchronization does not work.
    Note that the sites are on different hosts, it does not come from a host.
    Once the sites reconnect the updates fail and the sites disconnect.

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  • Thread Starter momo-fr


    I downgraded the MAINPWP dashboard to version 4.4.xx and tested on the sites by returning to the same version, everything is functional.
    Very bad experience with version 4.5, I’ll wait for everything to stabilize.

    Same here: lots of sites, upto 85% of them, disconnecting when synchronising. Also downgraded to get things back to normal again. Client upgrade to we’ll keep, problems appears to be in the dashboard

    Plugin Support Bojan Katusic


    Hi @momo-fr

    Just to be sure I’m understanding the situation – did the disconnected child sites all have the latest MainWP Child plugin v4.5?

    And the only way to reconnect them, was to deactivate and then reactivate the MainWP Child plugin, but the sites would get disconnected again when you attempted to perform an update on those sites via MainWP Dashboard?

    Finally, when you downgraded the MainWP Dashboard to, did you also downgrade the MainWP Child plugin to

    And please feel free to open a private Help Desk ticket, and we will gladly look into the issues with v4.5 you were experiencing on your Dashboard.

    After updating to I have the same problem. Some sites sync, some are disconnected. When I choose reconnect, the site connects, but when I sync again, it is disconnected again.

    I’ll add one more thing. On all sites I have MainWP Child 4.5.

    Plugin Support Bojan Katusic


    Thank you all for the additional information.

    If you’re experiencing disconnects and you are running the latest version of the MainWP Dashboard ( and the latest version of the MainWP Child plugin (, please open a private Help Desk ticket so we investigate further.

    Plugin Support Bojan Katusic


    Also, please try deactivating and reactivating the MainWP Child plugin on your child site and then reconnecting it on your Dashboard.

    I don’t mean to hijack this thread, just adding info since I’m experiencing the same issue and submitted a ticket as requested.

    I tried deactivating and reactivating the child plugin on one site that was experiencing the disconnection on syncing/attempted plugin updates, and reconnected it via the Dashboard. The Dashboard reported it was reconnected successfully, but the child site still showed the warning saying it was not connected, despite clearing the browser cache and reloading the page.

    The fix was to attempt to resync via the Dashboard after the Dashboard reported the disconnection, which then reported the child site was not connected. I reconnected again, and now I can sync that site without it disconnecting, so it appears to fix the issue with the disconnects.

    I tried deactivating/reactivating another problem site, and was able to get it reconnected and syncing as well.

    Same here. Of 10 sites, 5 gets disconnected every time the sync goes on. plus, it shows updates for some sites, but cannot do them.

    Same here. Of 10 sites, 5 gets disconnected every time the sync goes on. plus, it shows updates for some sites, but cannot do them.


    If you deactivate/activate the child plugin, then reconnect from the MainWP Dashboard, you should be good to go again. I’ve now done that on about 12 of 20 sites, and now everything is working as it should again.

    Note! This happened on 153 out of 231 of my websites, where my websites are hosted across 6 different hosting companies, so would assume a plugin bug. BUT ALSO CHECK, since the update, on sites that say are connected, when you click the “Jump to site admin” link, the website opens up, but NOT logged in, has anyone else have this issue?

    Deactivating the child plugin and activating it then reconnecting on the main dashboard seems to fix the issue though… 🙂

    Thread Starter momo-fr


    Hi Bojan, all client sites had their plugin in v4.5.
    The disconnected sites were reconnected but during the updates these were not carried out, when the dashboard was reloaded the sites were again disconnected.
    I changed everything back to v4.x.x (dashboard and client plugins) and everything works.

    Plugin Support Bojan Katusic


    Thank you all for the additional information.

    We have a KB that outlines necessary steps to fix the connection issue some may experience after the 4.5 update: https://kb.mainwp.com/docs/fix-the-disconnection-issue-after-upgrading-to-4-5/

    If those step don’t help address your issue, please open a private Help Desk ticket so we can investigate further: https://mainwp.com/my-account/get-support/



    Mainwp is blocked by servers due to mass false logins as they believe it is an attack.The provider cannot whitelist because of this – the cause is the new version of mainwp.

    # From provider
    From exactly this IP we see mass accesses to various customer servers and WordPress installations. Here it is accesses to the xmlrpc.php of WordPress, which our security software evaluates as an attack. The accesses occur within a short time almost in parallel on various servers.



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