• Resolved ruinous101



    looking for general recommended setting for local fonts. I amended my sites style sheet accordingly after uploading the files but am wondering which setting to use on the extra tab: Leave, remove, combine in head, combine deferred? Or should I just simply pre load the font file url?

    appreciate the help and insight.

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  • Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    afraid that setting only works if the font CSS is loaded from the Google domain @ruinous101, so you’d have to combine & defer manually yourself. preloading the font can indeed help, but do so conservatively to avoid clogging that “early bandwidth” with multiple files that could/ should be loaded later thus hurting performance on low bandwidth connections?

    Thread Starter ruinous101


    Ok, thank you. Have a bit of work still to do as the site wants to hit gstatic for fonts through the woocommerce portion still.

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