• Resolved dave22n


    Hey there!

    Plugin works great overall, thank you – but right now the Settings link is not showing up for existing scheduled backups. The whole line is actually gone which I think says “Run Now | Settings | Excludes | Delete”.

    I could actually go into the HTML and see that div with the correct links exists (and can actually be run and work via copy/paste) but that line just doesn’t show up.

    Running latest WP 4.7.2 and BUWP

    Thanks for your time!

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  • Plugin Contributor Katrina “Kat” Moody


    I have another user with this same exact issue. Could I perhaps get you to enable support so I can compare server and site settings, plugins, etc?

    You can follow this guide on how to do so: https://bwp.hmn.md/knowledge-base/how-to-enable-support/

    Just be sure to click on the ‘support’ button again after enabling to send us a message. When you do that just remind me of your issue/link to this post and I’ll be available to start more troubleshooting. We’ll make sure to add updates here if/when we hopefully stumble upon something 😉

    Thanks so much!

    Thread Starter dave22n


    Hi Kat,

    I enabled support – but I see now mysteriously the line in question now appears! I was doing a few site updates at the time so it’s possible I hadn’t yet updated the theme to the most recent version. My host, DreamHost, sent an email a few weeks ago about updating PHP, but I don’t think it’s happened yet.

    Thanks for your time, and happy bug hunting! 🙂


    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    🏳️‍🌈 Advisor and Activist

    @katmoody – If everyone you run into has a DreamHost site, please drop me a note. You can email me at mika.epstein@dreamhost.com and I’d be happy to set you up with an account for testing.

    Plugin Contributor Katrina “Kat” Moody


    Thanks so much @ipstenu! I know that might come in handy in future! 😀

    And @dave22n – the other user discovered everything was normal again after updating their site too! They didn’t specify what all they actually updated. if you run into trouble when the PHP version is updated be sure to check back in. Sometimes different php versions have just enough of a difference that it can cause a change in the plugin performance!


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