• Hi,

    I had this old WordPress installation and the hosting company asked me to update it which i did.

    I have updated WordPress to 6.5 and had to update lot’s of plugins obviously.

    The path was still http and i chaned it in the settings to https…

    And as expected the troubles began. Trying to launch the website gets me ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS

    So I am trying to revert all back to http but how..

    The url is not in the config file anymore and i read it should be in the options table in the database.

    In the database is see siteurl and home but both without the http or https, it is just mydomain.org.

    How can i get it all back to http, where to change this?

    Thank you in advance,


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  • To revert your WordPress site back to HTTP from HTTPS, you’ll need to make changes in both the WordPress settings and possibly the database. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

    Update WordPress Settings:

    • Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
    • Go to Settings > General.
    • In the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) fields, remove the “https://” and leave only “http://”.
    • Save the changes.

    Check .htaccess File:

    • Sometimes, redirects are defined in the .htaccess file. If you find any HTTPS-related redirects, remove or comment them out.
    • Database Check and Edit:
    • Log in to your hosting account’s control panel.
    • Access phpMyAdmin or any other database management tool.
    • Select your WordPress database.
    • Look for the wp_options table (the table prefix might vary if you’ve changed it during WordPress installation).
    • Find the rows with siteurl and home.
    • Edit the siteurl and home values, removing “https://” and leaving only “http://”.

    Clear Browser Cache:

    • After making these changes, clear your browser cache and cookies or try accessing the site in a private browsing window to ensure you’re not encountering cached redirects.

    Plugin or Theme Issues:

    • If the issue persists, it’s possible that a plugin or theme is causing the redirects. Try disabling plugins or switching to a default WordPress theme temporarily to troubleshoot.

    Server Configuration:

    • If your server has any redirects configured at the server level (e.g., in Apache or Nginx configuration files), you may need to adjust those as well.


    • After making these changes, try accessing your site again. If the redirects have been removed successfully, you should no longer encounter the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error.

    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 5 days ago by Steven Stern (sterndata). Reason: removed email addresses and request for contact
    Thread Starter theconsul


    thanks, I also found that info but….

    In my database is see siteurl and home but both without the http or https, it is just mydomain.org?

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