• Resolved bdslbiggive


    This is a continuation of the topic posted by @manuelschoettle two years ago, which is now closed.

    Is there any way to set Matomo to not set cookies without explicit user consent using this plugin? Specifically I want to add


    to the Matomo tracking code, as documented by matomo, and then use custom javascript code to let Matomo know if and when my user gives consent to have cookies set. But there doesn’t seem to be any option to do that or to generally customize the tracking code used in the options for this plugin. I have version 1.0.28.

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  • Plugin Author braekling


    Since 1.0.28, WP-Matomo/Connect Matomo contains an option in tracking settings called “Tracking or cookie consent”. This allows you to set requireConsent or requireCookieConsent.

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  • The topic ‘Set cookies only after consent’ is closed to new replies.