• Resolved Jamie Edwards


    Hey everyone, can someone tell me how to set the target in the button block? I would like to have it open in a new window “_blank”. I have been digging around the settings and I’ve looked everywhere but can’t find this.


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  • Jamie, I’m just new to checking out this plugin also, but I found the link options, here’s a screenshot. The link out is to my Google Photos:


    I just selected the already embedded link (left or right mouse button) and then select the three dots on the rights to provide the drop down options.

    Hope this helps, cheers Dennis

    Thread Starter Jamie Edwards


    Hmm strange, I am using the latest versions of Gutenberg and WP core and I don’t see this same thing when I add a button block, I’ll see if I can remember to send a screenshot tomorrow, thanks mate.

    Same here. I have the possibility to add a _blank at links in paragraphs or tables, but NOT at the button link. I tried in Edge, Chrome and Firefox:

    Thread Starter Jamie Edwards


    Ok, so I am not going crazy! 🙂 Thanks Ursula. Here is my screenshot:

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Jamie Edwards.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Jamie Edwards.

    So we’re just two 🙂 Hope that someone will read this and answer.

    Happy weekend!

    Moderator Marius L. J.



    It’s not possible to change the target of buttons at this time. I won’t give a guarantee that we’ll be adding that to core as it has negative accessibility implications, which we strive to ensure users follow.

    It is this kind of detail that the use of Gutenberg can put off many users. It is unfortunate to be so restrictive as it renders this option useless.

    Thread Starter Jamie Edwards


    I suppose we could just add the target in the html on the button, the average user won’t know how to do that but at least it’s possible.

    Maybe you could add a plug-in to make all of the links that are off-site open in a new window? Or do that in jQuery, JavaScript, if you have a special case where one place you want a button to link off site in a new window and another place where you want a button that links off site to not open in a new window.

    It is interesting that it is okay to set a target “_blank” for links in a Paragraph, but there is an accessibility issue for links that are in buttons. 😉

    Hi Jamie
    Yes I know how to do it but it removes all the use of the concept of block Gutenberg since we are left with a personalized block html.
    For my part, I use the extension Atomic Blocks and their “AB Button” provides the missing option to Gutenberg in the rules of the art that is to say with the small blue cursor for an opening in another window.

    This is a grave issue honestly, I am struggling using Gutenberg now trying to add open in new tab from a button. I can’t believe being so difficult and such an inconsistent interface !
    I am starting to have Guteneber mainly cause it seems promising but making things harder and more difficult is going to drive things in the opposite way ..

    I too would love to see the link target option added to the button block.

    What about non-profits who will use the button to link to an external donation processing website to “Donate Now”?

    What about bloggers who make their revenue reviewing products and have a button to “Buy on Amazon?”

    What about my own portfolio website where I showcase the websites that I built with a button to “View Full Website”?

    I don’t really see any negative accessibility issues with adding this feature.

    The classic editor had the ability to set a link target.

    Happy to provide additional feedback on this issue.

    It looks like this string has been around for awhile, but I’ll throw my hat in the ring for a wish for “open new window” in the button block. I’m showing potential clients live websites if they chose to view them from my portfolio and I don’t want to send people away from my site.

    For now, I’ll copy/paste the HTML and hope this feature comes around to core.

    Moderator Marius L. J.


    The original post is 5 months old now, we’re just kicking the horse by this stage, and as such I am closing this.

    There’s a ticket at https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/8000 for discussing this further for those interested.

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