• Resolved motherzuger


    We’re trying to set up our services offered page with WooCommerce.
    We’re going to be offering consultation packages and membership.

    We want clients to be able to pick and choose their packages i.e.
    1 x 2 hour consult + Membership
    2 x 2 hour consult + documentation
    1 x membership + documentation.

    We like how another website offers this pick and chose style shop: https://batmaid.ch/en/

    What I would like some help with is:
    a) is there a specific website theme that works better for this style
    b) whats the best way to set up this pick and chose and build your own package style shop?
    c) Can this be done in conjunction with users setting up an account?

    Thanks so much!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Nico


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hello there,

    a) is there a specific website theme that works better for this style

    I am not aware of a theme specifically made for this purpose. I can recommend Storefront Theme which is usually very adaptable to any situation and very customizable.

    b) whats the best way to set up this pick and chose and build your own package style shop?

    I recommend having a look at our Mix and Match Products extension which allows the customer to create custom products based on predefined possibilities.

    c) Can this be done in conjunction with users setting up an account?


    Thread Starter motherzuger


    Hi Nicole,

    Thanks so much! I’ll give that extension a go!

    Much appreciated!

    Plugin Support B C. a11n


    Hi @motherzuger,

    That sounds like a plan. With that said, I’m going to mark this as resolved. You can still comment on the thread about the same topic but, If you have any further questions, you can start a new thread.


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