• Resolved rrodrigofranco


    Hello, I saw that in this plugin I can send several gift cards to different emails, but I would like to know if I could send each email a different name, for example:

    To: francorodrigognr@yahoo.com.br, fernando@originalexperience.com.br, joao@yahoo.com

    Recipient: Rodrigo, Fernando, João

    When I send the gift card this way. They go to the respective emails, but it appears for each email with the name “Rodrigo, Fernando, Joao”, and I wanted it to appear for the first email, “francorodrigognr@yahoo.com.br”, with the recipient name ” Rodrigo”, to the email “fernando@originalexperience.com.br” with the name of “Fernando” and to the email “joao@yahoo.com” with the name of João. Is there a practical way to do this?

    See the image:

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  • Plugin Author pimwick


    Unfortunately there isn’t an option to specify a different Recipient Name for each individual email address. Each gift card will have exactly what is specified in the Recipient Name field.

    WordPress.org doesn’t allow supporting Pro plugins using their forums so I am marking this thread as resolved. If you have further questions please contact us at our website: https://www.pimwick.com

    Thanks for understanding!

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