• Resolved metricmedia


    Looks like this plugin was closed by WordPress on 7/31/24. Is the developer still active?

    I notice no updates for the last 2 years.

    Anyone have a suggested replacement?

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  • I came here to ask this, also. I went to Matt Miller’s (developer) website and there is nothing related to support there. Can’t even navigate off of the home page.

    I also need to know a replacement if the Mandrill plugin is no longer supported.


    This is really important – can we please get a response?




    ​Hi there,

    I went to the author’s website and there is only an image and a message that he is Building the future of AI, Please let me know if this plugin is closed Or if we can expect a new update soon.
    If it is not safe to use this plugin on our website then can someone please suggest an alternative to this?


    I sent an inquiry to plugins@wordpress.org about this plugin author’s lack of response on this forum and asked about why the plugin was closed and if it will be back. This was their response to me:

    While we understand the concern, our policy is to not disclose why plugins are closed to anyone save the developer for the first 60 days. After that time, the reason why a plugin is closed will be made public, but in vague terms (i.e. ‘Guideline Violation’ or ‘Security’).

    We know this can be frustrating, especially with larger plugins, which we rarely close unless we feel there’s no alternative. In general, we advise giving it the 60 days before taking action. Many plugins are reopened shortly after being closed. But if a plugin does hit the 60 days, then either the developer has no intention of updating it, or the issue is beyond their capability to correct. At that point, we recommend finding an alternative/replacement.

    There are cases where you will see ‘This closure is permanent’ and that is a sign the plugin will not be updated and should not be used. We try to limit those, as it’s not a great experience for anyone, but generally happens when a developer asks to close a plugin, or a developer is banned for repeat violations.

    Again, we do understand why this is frustrating and vague, but we want to give the developers every reasonable chance to make corrections before publicizing why their work was closed, to help protect their reputations as much as we can.


    This means we have to wait until 10.1.24 (since this plugin was removed on 7.31.24) to hear what is going on if the plugin has not been added back to the repo.

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by emgb_520.
    Plugin Author Matt Miller


    Hi everyone, I am so sorry about the delay in updates on this. I have made the necessary fixes to the plugin and resubmitted to the WordPress team. There are currently two ways to get the latest version in the meantime. The WordPress SVN repository has the latest version (1.4.1) here:


    Or you can download the latest version directly from our GitHub repository:


    Thanks for your patience and apologies for any delays and issues this may have caused. Thanks!

    Do we know how long their review might take? I have this plugin on 20+ client sites and will be in a world of hurt with replacing it, if they do not re-add the plugin.


    Plugin Author Matt Miller


    Hi @emgb_520, it was just reinstated today (in fact I got the reinstatement email at almost the same time your comment came in). Looks like we’re all set on this, let me know if you need any more assistance. Thanks!

    WOOHOO!! Thanks, Matt. I will be working on getting it updated on my client’s sites!

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