• Hey there,

    Again – thank you so much for this amazing plugin. I am more than thankful for it!!

    However, I found a problem on my website with that plugin. When I type in a postcode which is available for example for flat rate – then it shows me the options flat rate + local pickup method.
    But, when I immediately try a zipcode in which there is no flat rate (or free shipping), then it is only written “local pickup” – without a selection for a store. If I then type that exact zipcode again (so basically I just refresh the shipping calculator), then the selection of the stores is appearing.

    Is that a bug? If so – how can I fix that?

    Would appreciate any help!

    Stay healthy! 🙂

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  • Plugin Author Keylor Mendoza


    Hi @schorliee

    Can you please check if there is an error in the console? Also, debug your site deactivating other plugins looking for any error related to an incompatibility with this plugin.

    Keep in touch


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