• Select button text disappears in product gallery in woocommerce. You can click normally, but no text is displayed.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support carolm29 (woo-hc)


    Hey there, @captainlee! Thanks for contacting us. I’m happy to help you.

    I just tested on my website and was not able to replicate the issue.

    Do you have any plugins that affect the product gallery or media gallery in genereal?

    Which version of WooCommerce are you using?

    Have you tried checking this on a different browser to see if the issue persists?

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Thread Starter captainlee


    woocommerce Version 9.0.2

    I tried to open it in different browsers and clear the cache, but nothing solved the problem. I don’t remember having this problem until about a month ago. I haven’t installed any plugins recently either. If possible, I can give you an account and you can check it for me.

    Plugin Support ckadenge (woo-hc)


    Hi again @captainlee,

    Thanks for sharing more details on this. As I’m also unable to replicate the issue from my test sites, I recommend running a conflict test to see if the issue is related to any theme conflicts. You may find the steps to run a conflict test from this detailed guide.

    Please be sure to have a full site backup before proceeding.

    Let us know how it goes.

    Thread Starter captainlee


    I’ve paused all plugins. But still no effect. If I reinstall woocommerce. will this problem be solved? I suspect that there is a problem with the plugins.
    If I reinstall woocommerce. does the previously published product still exist?

    Plugin Support Shameem (woo-hc)


    Hi @captainlee

    If I reinstall woocommerce. does the previously published product still exist?

    If you reinstall WooCommerce, your previously published products and settings should remain intact as the data is stored in your database, not the plugin itself. However, it’s always a good idea to fully back up your site before performing such actions, just to be safe.

    Before reinstalling, try switching your theme to a default WordPress theme like Storefront or Twenty Twenty-Four to see if the issue persists. This will help us determine if the problem is related to your theme.

    I hope this helps! Please let us know how it goes or if you need further assistance.

    Thread Starter captainlee


    I rolled back the woocommerce version. Also suspended all plugins. It didn’t solve the problem.

    Plugin Support Zubair Zahid (woo-hc)


    Hello captainlee,

    Thank you for your reply.

    This is a strange problem you are facing.
    It has not been resolved even after disabling all other plugins and reinstalling WooCommerce.

    I am not able to reproduce this error on my test site.
    Here is a screenshot:

    To troubleshoot this issue, I would like to check if there are any JS errors in the browser.
    These errors will highlight if the server is blocking any resources.

    Here is a guide for how to check JS errors in your browser’s Console tab.
    Please try these steps and let me know about your findings.
    Looking forward to your response. 🙂

    Best regards.

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