• I am inputting how i want my search results to appear in Elementor, Yoast, Blocksy theme and WordPress. Although it is not updating. I have reindexed the page and waited many weeks but have been unsuccessful. I noticed no change when deactivating the plugins. I have also had my hosting provider update my permalinks and attempt to fix the issue server side.

    The specific part of the search results that is not updating is the site title and site name.

    Any ideas?

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  • Plugin Support Maybellyne


    Hello @lachlanh1

    Thanks for using the Yoast SEO plugin. View the page source to confirm that what you have entered in the Yoast SEO plugin as the SEO title is shown in the <title> tag. Also, run the URL through Rich Results Test to confirm your site name is as you expect.

    If these are correct, the issue is with Google not displaying the values you want in search results. I recommend posting a question in the Google Search Central Help Community.

    Plugin Support Jose Varghese


    This thread was marked resolved due to a lack of recent activity. The original poster can change the status to Not Resolved to re-open the issue or open a new topic.

    If you are not the original poster but have a similar issue, please open a new topic.

    Thread Starter lachlanh1


    Hi @maybellyne

    I appreciate the reply! In both the source code and the Rich Results Test, the title is how I want it shown. Although, it is still no displaying in search results. This also is the case for the meta description.

    Further, I do have some pages that present in search results as they should but it seems that the home page and some other pages are having the issue. To clarify, i have tried going through each SEO setting of the home page and the pages that work to find a difference but none was found.

    Plugin Support Maybellyne


    Since everything is correct, the issue is with Google not displaying the values you want in search results. I recommend posting a question in the Google Search Central Help Community.

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